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From NGO to SGO

From NGO to SGO

Non-Government-Organizations (NGOs) in my opinion should turn into Self-Government-Organizations (SGOs) as soon as possible. Why?

The reason is, there's apparently not much use in appealing to governments any longer. Situation has changed. Governments never have been fond of listening, while instead were showing a hard inclination to both ignorance and self-righteousness, covered by promises, or changing the topic when being asked. But since trouble increases, while popular consensus decreases, this attitude visibly turns to a mere self-defence of power. Surrounded by dangers and crises, rulers of all kind cling to principles, and will tend to force, in case propagation of principles refuses to show the desired effectivity.

Still, in most cases not some severe defects in character or conscience are to be supposed, rather worse, a basic lack of knowledge and ability is to be ascribed. But to be just, no one can manage nowadays-social- systems to a sufficient degree. Which government was to say from itself that it's coming up to actual demands and requirements? Which policy of which government, or of which party, is to be trusted and supported? In other words: who is actually going to safe life on this planet otherwise than in words?

The problems have reached a stage, where each and every decent ruler or mandatory was to be bathed in sweat all day long, if not clinging to last beliefs, axiomatic concepts, or finally to cold claim of power, while hailing himself to keep order only to avoid disaster. Politicians of all kind apparently think they are to avert something worse or worst, while deterring blind, evil opponents. But nowhere in policy there is showing a positive program, or a goal that was globally welcomed and supported. Elite policy has been reduced to a defence of privileges, either to a struggle against so called enemies or rivals, or against so called unworthy parts of population.

Man is still hunting man. If it wasn't thus tragic, I'd call all our systems up to now ridiculous. Still, it's rather humiliating. Take advantage, enrich yourself, that's modern policy, and it's killing society from within, from its innermost centre, namely from the heart of man. The ship of capitalism has no course or harbour, it's knocked about by a stormy sea, while the vultures of finance business started to take their final meal. That's man's actual situation, it's to be called uttermost headless and alarming.

No doubt, NGOs are spreading hope and are collecting much willpower, but keep doing so only in very specialized fields of action. It's obvious, all NGOs need to combine to gain a historical effectivity in changing the situation. If every NGO is right, since following a good purpose, then all of them together should be right as well. Minor conflicts aside, there must be a purpose common to all of them. What can it be?

I suppose, this common purpose can only be a decent way of life, needing a proper social system for support and guidance. It's true, an NGO must not turn into a political party, cause this would be its ruin. But politics are needed anyway, so maybe in addition.

NGOs should consider, what social system was required to meet their aspired goals. This certainly can be formulated, and the results should be discussed, but both beyond the NGO itself, not to endanger its organization by splitting. Each NGO who succeeds in finding answers, should propagate its plan, its proposals of a social system, or at least, of adequate laws and rules. This process of cognition and volition can be kept going on a external forum like UsRulingUs, not to disturb internally.

Of course, such mental work is already proceeding everywhere, but I think, in many minds it's probably still orientated towards governments. To become an SGO out of an NGO, it's necessary to rely on one's own forces, which can only be popular forces these days. Governments have stopped to govern main items to a high degree. Power was taken by finance capital who just smiles on nations and national rules, if they dare to oppose its own remarkable plans and strategies.

Suppose, NGOs join or start social networks, using the proposed level-democracy. If so, two very decisive differences are much likely to occur. First, all members will stay organized in the necessary degree to take public action. Second, many members learn to combine with other NGOs, when other goals are judged to be qualified, or worth of solidarity. This way goals and means can start to merge, and organizations too. In the long run the result can't be else than the long needed, overdue new social system.

Certainly NGOs shall not give up their own networks and organizations. What I'm suggesting, is rather to send delegates to political networks like GOL or forums such as UsRulingUs. A delegate from an NGO is a mandatory of many members and can represent many groups. Legitimation can be achieved by referring to the groups inside the NGO. This way an NGO not only can stay self-reliant, but can combine with others as well. What's common, will take common political effects, what's special, will stay the domain of the appropriate NGO. I just want to point out, how a combination of forces might be achieved. That it's rather high time to combine all popular organizations on a global scale, that can't be a surprise.

Maybe Internet turns out as too weak a tool to build a new social system, maybe this social nerve system will get infected, or cut, or torn, or occupied by the wrong forces. But it certainly can make a start. A forum or network can be the school of how to get ahead, while besides of it other popular movements might arise and persist, not depending on the web, but on vital connections embedded in business, culture and everyday life. To combine both ways, probably will be the most effective method to create SGOs and a global government of life. Since life only proceeds with the method of trial and error, cognition and volition can't do else.

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