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Program Missing?

Why is there not any program?

One reason is, I stopped believing in programs years ago. All our beliefs turn out wrong sooner or later, even science, when facing a change of paradigms (Paradigmenwechsel). The only truth I know and accept is life itself. What we are used to call a thruth is nothing but an aim that we can meet in real life. Even a concept is only such an aim.

Therefore in my opinion only life can truly suggest any program, and it can only do so by making us research, request, debate, vote and decide. All these can be done on UsRulingUs or on a similar forum. So, first of all, such a forum should be sufficient by all means. It reminds me of ancient Greek forums, where citizens personally met to decide on public affairs. Still, there are two differences. First, nowadays everyone needs to have citizen-rights. Second, using the web we can meet in writing.

I think, these days all of our existing social systems are in a rather bad condition. Life on this planet apparently is in a critical stage. We must be aware of serious losses of humans and entire other species. The answer needs to be a change of our methods. We simply can't go on as we are used to. We need to change the way we live. Such an amendment must rely on fresh knowledge, on vivid discussion and on actual decisions, not on dusty theories and freshly painted programs. I do appreciate some recent efforts to overcome social crisis, but I was not pleased with the attempts I came across, missing visible or at least conceivable results.

The other reason to do without a program is, in fact it's neither necessary nor possible. A global program is not yet possible, because existing systems vary that much, traditions and beliefs as well. I think it is necessary to compare and combine them, to make the best out of them alltogether. This is a vital process of learning and doing. We must try out our belief in every day life and dismiss wrong ways as soon and far as possible.

If we do so, while actually knowing what we are doing, than no ready made program is necessary. Instead of, we will mutually watch and comment our trials and errors. A forum like UsRulingUs can do this as well.

Whoever likes, may start with his or her program, or schedule of belief, or whatever he or she is clinging to, knowing or prefering. Anyway, there is no other way, when starting at all. But I suppose, the most of us don't have any belief any longer, instead, will just try this or that to avoid frustration and another severe loss, indeed most of us are just striving to make a living at all. This is not unlikely due to the very situation. Who really knows whereto this our social system is actually going along?

Let's presume everybody starts with his or her program, or personal ideas, how we might go on the next decade. If her or him is right, both will start collecting followers, forming groups and at last will shape large territories inside a language family. Nothing is wrong with that, it's exactly what we need.

Besides, others might join with a large ready made crew of followers, since they are party members or religious people. So a big fight is to be faced? I don't think so, it could not differ much from now. But even if some fights occure, on UsRulingUs it can only be fights in words and votes. We will have members following several imported programs, and others following just their mind and instinct. So what to do? We will decide it and try it out, we need to check it out in real life. There's no other way. We need to act this way if we want to go on living after all.

But if so, what will have changed then?

The main difference is that cognition and volition, and also trial and error, are all public. We can learn from each other, we can commonly plan and read our fate, we can consciously make history. This way we will change both, our belief and life, at the same time. The first time in history we will become able to live our beliefs, and to change both, if necessary. The only thing we need for this purpose, is a persisting structure of cognition and volition, like the one that UsRulingUs is providing.

But real powers will interfere?

Probably some of them might try for a while, if being afraid of loosing too much power, but such an attempt necessarily is bound to fail. No one can interfere against life's proceeding in the long run. I think, both social systems, old and new, can coexist side by side for several decades. The old structures of power will remain watching, how the poor get along helping themselves, and of course will ever try to take control. In case they some day find themselves short of willing workers, mutual bargains should help a lot. But as far as I can see, there is no need for severe clashes or bloody fights. If such will occur, it certainly will be due to strategic failures of real powers, taking completely wrong the social and political situation. Still, persecution is rather likely. It needs to be considered very well prior to any step, to be observed closely, and to be displayed publically too.

I think, it's much more likely that both systems will simply get merged by everyday life. In my opinion real powers turns brutal only when being truly helpless. Any violence is proofing and showing the uttermost failure of mind. It contains and displays the concession to be at the end of one's wisdom, and a victim will realize this fact rather soon, if not already knowing so in advance.

If we help ourselves, we also will be able to manage critical situations, especially by respecting old privileges for a proper while. After obviously having been overcome by history, most of the concerned grandchilds will prefer to do without privileges, expecting a better integrated life this way. The critical point is and ever will be, to avoid helpless situations. This is one reason more for us, to mutually help ourselves, since we cannot expect any other help.

Why am I confident?

The main reason is, I'm used to believe in people. The majority will find out and create the right way to live, like folks did till now. History is not done by souvereigns, but decided by common people, especially by their way of living.

Big theories are precious to make us think, but they need to be dealed with very carefully. Any mistake in a theoretical system causes many casualties, great parts of generations and whole regions might get lost for a long period. But social, economic and political theories are necessary, we cannot understand our social systems without them.

Still, there is showing a new historical stage, and a chance alike opening too. The stage is determined by the apparent failure of finance capitalism, and the chance is given by us, people knowing and learning in common in a global scale. We only need to mutually tell us. It's certainly new that we can do so, we just have to realize it and grab this chance. Some of us might wait, until the water comes over the well, but I rely on those, who have already experienced system failures of various kinds.

We need to invent all world another time?

No, certainly not. We can carry on like we used to, if it works. Only when a system's failure is showing, we need to interfere and create a better way of living. I'm sure our minds are full of proposals, only suppressed by frustration and powerlessness. Let's stirr them up and bring them back to life again.

But where to start?

Everybody shall start with the most vital problem he or she is facing. This will bring most vitality to the forum and its progress. Certainly, we need big majorities to become effective, but what prevents us of learning, and showing how many of us share the same problem? In fact we are the big majority. Why not act as such?

If someone feels unpleasant in sharing his or her sufferings, I suggest to start with the minimum wage, and with global conditions of labour. Facing globalization it's merely unavoidable to reconstruct labour unions at a global scale. I think, this should be a very first aim, changing the base of life struggle for the most of us. Combines will stop chopping round the globe when wages are no more reduced to alms or handouts.

Next, members of several NGOs might join, and their purposes might become a great impact to change our ways. I think, level-democracy is apt to achieve a common effectivity on a bigger scale than realized until now. Of course, I do not suggest to cancel any other membership. It's completely necessary for all existing associations to stay intact, only their aims and means shall be shared, so there historical effect can properly show and develop.

Indeed UsRulingUs proposes only a structure, probably apt to combine existing attempts to change our way of living. And if not, then the proposed structure will most likely be able to properly adapt itself. No fixed program or obstacle will stand in its way. For this reasons I think the proposed structure should come to life. Everybody sharing this opinion is invited to join.

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